Project Description

Tiber Island

The Tiber Island rises in the middle of the river Tiber and is connected to the mainland via two bridges which are among the most ancient in Rome: the Fabricio and the Cestio.

In the first half of the 1st century b.c. it was made a monument by giving it the shape of a ship. Today you can still see the bow and some decorations of a snake and the head of a bull which represent Asclepius, the god of medicine, and which were probably useful for mooring. At the centre there was also an obelisk symbolically representing a mast.

In summer, cinema and culture are brought to the island thanks to an event. The Arena is equipped with a giant screen so you can watch previews and prestigious unreleased films or meet Italian or international directors and actors. Short films, the Nuovo Cinema Italiano and the best films of the previous season are shown in the CineLab, where you can also see exhibitions on films by famous directors or international cinematography. There are also many open air restaurants and pubs where you can have a drink with friends.


Isola Tiberina