Project Description

Italy was the fourth country in the world to enact a nationwide smoke-free law (since 10 January 2005).

It is illegal to smoke in all enclosed public areas (bars, cafés, pubs, discos, restaurants, shops etc.).

The only exception is the introduction of special smoking rooms, although they are not very frequent as the restaurant owners, etc., are under a lot of pressure to conform to heavy restrictions (rules on ventilation, circulation of air, sliding doors with automatic closure etc.) and must pay high costs in order to refit their buildings.

Smoking is also forbidden in all enclosed workplaces – this includes also trains and underground stations. It is, indeed, permitted to smoke outdoors, which means that since Italy has sunny weather more than half of the year, people can still smoke at restaurants and bars as long as they sit on the outside tables and people still smoke there.

At the moment a new law against smoking in public areas for electronic cigarettes is being discussed.