Project Description

Villa Ada

Villa Ada Savoia is the second biggest public park in Rome after Villa Doria Pamphilj.

This enormous park is made even more beautiful thanks to the presence of many neoclassical buildings such as the Temple of Flora, Villa Polissena, the Royal Stables, the Swiss Chalet or the Gothic Tower. It also has holly oak and cork oak woods, pine groves and grassland.

The musical show called “Roma Incontra il Mondo” (“Rome meets the world”) takes place in this park in summer and it purpose is to favour integration and understanding of different populations through music and culture.

Inside Villa Ada you can also visit the anti-aircraft bunker which was meant to protect the House of Savoy, one of the oldest royal families in the world.


Via Salaria
Via di Ponte Salario
Via di Monte Antenna
Via Panama

How to get there

Check the ATAC website